Philip Clart. “Popular Religion and Prognostication.” In Handbook of Divination and Prognostication in China. Part I: Introduction to the Field of Chinese Prognostication, edited by Michael Lackner and Zhao Lu, 345–363. Leiden: Brill, 2022.
Kaske, Elisabeth. “Justifying Office-Selling for Famine Relief in Nineteenth-Century Qing China.” In European and Chinese Histories of Economic Thought Theories and Images of Good Governance, edited by Iwo Amelung and Bertram Schefold, 19–32. Routledge Studies in the History of Economics. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
Kaske, Elisabeth, and May-Li Lin. “Public Finance.” In The Cambridge Economic History of China: Volume 2: 1800 to the Present, edited by Debin Ma and Richard von Glahn, 244–79. The Cambridge Economic History of China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Merle Schatz/Johannes Reckel: Fliegende Hirsche und Sonnengötter. Prähistorische Gesellschaften in Felsbildern Zentralasiens/ Flying Deer and Sun Gods. Prehistoric Societies in Central Asian Rock Art. ISBN 978-3-96176-183-8 Zum Buch
Jörg Henning Hüsemann: “Agricultural Technologies, Soil Sciences.” Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies, online, 2022. DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199920082-0198
Merle Schatz/Thorben Pelzer: 100 Karten über China. Katapult, 2022. Zum Buch
白莎. (Elisabeth Kaske).“俾斯麦的使团”:德国军事教官在中国(1884-1890). Translated by 孙立新 and 顾年茂. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2021.
Merle Schatz: "Thoughts on Describing Established and Outsider Figurations in Inner Mongolia". In: Delmotte, Florence, Gornicka, Barbara (Eds.).Norbert Elias in Troubled Times. Figurational Approaches to the Problems of the Twenty-First Century. Pp. 259-276. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-74993-4
Philip Clart, Elisabeth Kaske, Ullrich Johannes Schneider (Hg.): Buchkultur aus China - Leipziger Spuren. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag, 2021. ISBN 978-3-96023-389-3
Jens Reinke: Mapping Modern Mahayana. Chinese Buddhism and Migration in the Age pf Global Modernity. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021. ISBN 978-3-11-068998-3.
Merle Schatz: Ancient Texts and Languages of Ethnic Groups along the Silk Road. (with Johannes Reckel). Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2021.
Wang Chien-chuan 王見川, Philip Clart 柯若樸, Hou Chong 侯沖, Fan Chun-wu 范純武, and Yau Chi-on 游子安, eds. Ming-Qing yilai shanshu congbian (xuji) 明清以來善書叢編 續輯. Taipei: Xinwenfeng 新文豐, 2021. (18 vols.) ISBN 978-957-17-3318-0
Philip Clart, Elisabeth Kaske, and Ulrich Schneider, eds. Book Culture from China, Traces in Leipzig. Schriften aus der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, vol. 47. Leipzig: Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2021. ISBN 978-3-96023-391-6.
Philip Clart. “JY159 Fuyou shangdi shiliupin jing (3 juan) JY159 孚佑上帝十六品經(96 葉).” In Daozang jiyao tiyao 道藏輯要·提要, edited by Lai Chi-tim 黎志添, 729–740. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2021.
Philip Clart. “JY162 Fuyou shangdi tongcan jing (3 juan) JY162 孚佑上帝同參經(3 卷).” In Daozang jiyao tiyao 道藏輯要·提要, edited by Lai Chi-tim 黎志添, 758–764. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2021
Philip Clart. “JY163 Fuyou shangdi wujing hebian (52 ye) JY163 孚佑上帝五經合編(52 葉).” In Daozang jiyao tiyao 道藏輯要·提要, edited by Lai Chi-tim 黎志添, 765–771. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2021.
Jörg Henning Hüsemann: “Vom Nachttopf aufs Feld. Transportmethoden von Fäkaldünger im kaiserlichen China. “ In Mobilität in China, edited by Sigrun Abels et al., pp. 91–111. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021.
Jörg Henning Hüsemann: “Some Remarks on the History of Teaching Classical Chinese at Leipzig University.” In Teaching Classical Chinese | Zum Unterricht des Klassischen Chinesischen | 文言文教学, edited by Ralph Kauz, pp. 3–16. Großheirath: Ostasienverlag, 2021.
Jörg Henning Hüsemann: “Practical Arts.“ In Book Culture from China – Traces in Leipzig, edited by Philip Clart, Elisabeth Kaske, and Ulrich Johannes Schneider, pp. 47–52. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2021.
Jörg Henning Hüsemann: “Hans Georg Conon von der Gabelentz (1840–1893).“ In Book Culture from China – Traces in Leipzig, edited by Philip Clart, Elisabeth Kaske, and Ulrich Johannes Schneider, pp. 67–70. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2021.
Jörg Henning Hüsemann: “Located Imaginations - India in the Shuijing zhu of Li Daoyuan,” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 171.1 (2021): pp. 149–172.
- Transnational Religious Spaces: Religious Organizations and Interactions in Africa, East Asia, and Beyond. Edited by Philip Clart, with Adam Jones. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. ISBN 978-3-11-068995-2.
- Text and Context in the Modern History of Chinese Religions: Redemptive Societies and Their Sacred Texts. Edited by Philip Clart, with David Ownby and Wang Chien-chuan. Leiden: Brill, 2020. ISBN 978-90-04-42413-5.
- „Introduction” In: Transnational Religious Spaces: Religious Organizations and Interactions in Africa, East Asia, and Beyond. Edited by Philip Clart & Adam Jones, 1–9. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.
- „Introduction” In: Text and Context in the Modern History of Chinese Religions: Redemptive Societies and Their Sacred Texts. Edited by Philip Clart, David Ownby & Wang Chien-chuan, 1–15. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
- „Text and Context in the Study of Spirit-Writing Cults: A Methodological Reflection on the Relationship of Ethnography and Philology.” In: Text and Context in the Modern History of Chinese Religions: Redemptive Societies and Their Sacred Texts. Edited by Philip Clart, David Ownby & Wang Chien-chuan, 309–322. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Contact Zones in China: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by: Merle Schatz, Laura De Giorgi and Peter Ludes, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, April 2020, ISBN: 978-3-11-065937-5.
zum Verlag -
Oirat and Kalmyk Identity in the 20th and 21st Century. Merle Schatz/Johannes Reckel, Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2020. doi:10.17875/gup2020-1334
Korean Diaspora – Central Asia, Siberia and Beyond. Edited by: Merle Schatz, Johannes Reckel, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-86395-451-2
zum Verlag -
Chinese Engineers Relational Database (CERD). Edited by: Thorben Pelzer et al. 2020.
Chinese Engineers Relational Database (CERD) Design Manual. Working Paper Series SFB 1199, no. 21. Leipzig: Leipzig University Press, 2020. Thorben Pelzer.
- Daojiao yu difang zongjiao: dianfan de chongsi guoji yantaohui lunwenji 道教與地方宗教─ 典範的重思國際研討會論文集 Daoism and Local Cults: Rethinking the Paradigms. Edited by Philip Clart, Vincent Goossaert, and Hsieh Shu-wei 謝世維. Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies, 2020. ISBN 978-957-678-691-4.
- “Introduction 導論.” In Daojiao yu difang zongjiao: dianfan de chongsi guoji yantaohui lunwenji 道教與地方宗教─ 典範的重思國際研討會論文集 / Daoism and Local Cults: Rethinking the Paradigms. Edited by Philip Clart, Vincent Goossaert, and Hsieh Shu-wei謝世維, iii–xviii. Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies, 2020.
- "Celebrating the Bicentennial of Marx's Birth in China: An Analysis of Xi Jinping's Speech and Official Media Coverage," Oriens Extremus 57, 2020: 71-98. Adrian Krawczyk
- "Schmalz, Stefan, Machtverschiebungen im Weltsystem, Strittmatter, Kai, Die Neuerfindung der Diktatur, Wemheuer, Felix, Chinas große Umwelzung,” Comparativ 30 (5/6), 2020: 644–649. Thorben Pelzer
- “Chang, Gordon H., and Shelley Fisher Fishkin, ed. The Chinese and the Iron Road. Building the Transcontinental Railroad,” Comparativ 30 (3/4), 2020: 426–428. Thorben Pelzer
“Na univerzitě v Lipsku (At Leipzig University).” In Ex Oriente lux: Rudolf Dvořák (1860-1920), edited by Olga Lomová et al., pp. 47-64. Prague: Charles University Faculty of Arts, 2020. Jörg Henning Hüsemann & Olga Lomová (transl.).
“Das Alte bezweifeln – Zum Umgang mit der Vergangenheit im Shuijing zhu 水經注 des Li Daoyuan 酈道元 (?-527).” In Erinnern und Erinnerung, Gedächtnis und Gedenken: Über den Umgang mit Vergangenem in der chinesischen Kultur, edited by Maria Khayutina and Sebastian Eicher, pp. 17-34. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2020. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
“Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt und Populismus in China.” In Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt: Ein interdisziplinärer Dialog, edited by Nicole Deitelhoff, Olaf Groh-Samberg, and Matthias Middell, 109–16. Campus Verlag GmbH, 2020. Elisabeth Kaske
“Tocqueville in China and the Problem of Social Cohesion,” July 12, 2020. Elisabeth Kaske 白莎
Einstieg in die Chinastudien Methoden, Modelle, Übungsaufgaben
Autoren: Pelzer, Thorben / Schatz, Merle
Reihe: De Gruyter Studium
September 2019
ISBN 978-3-11-066502-4
zum Verlag
Assandri, Friederike : “Afterlife Conceptions in Entombed Epitaphs and Votive Steles of the Six Dynasties’ Period.” In: 浙江大學東亞宗教文化研究中心等編《佛教史研究》Studies in History of Buddhism, No. 3, Nov. 2019: 67-100.
Assandri, Friederike: “Transcending Boundaries: Afterlife Conceptions in Entombed Epitaphs and Votive Steles of the Six Dynasties’ Period.” In: China and the World—the World and China—A transcultural Perspective in Four Volumes, ed. by Joachim Gentz, Natascha Gentz, Barbara Mittler and Catherine Vance Yeh. Gossenberg: Ostasienverlag. 2019: vol. 1: 149-170.
Assandri, Friederike”重玄學中的佛、道互涉:宇宙生成論、「救度論」與心靈.“ (Buddho-Daoist interaction in Twofold Mystery teaching: Cosmogony, Soteriology, and the mind). Friederike Assandri (李可)著, 崔曉姣 譯. Daojiao wenhua yanjiu 道家文化研究 32: 423-447. March 2019.
Assandri , Friederike “Chapter 1. Chinese Philosophy, Religions and Language.” Friederike Assandri and Barbara Meisterernst. In: The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics, ed. Chu-Ren Huang, Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, and Barbara Meisterernst. Oxon and NY: Routledge. 2019: 9-27.
Assandri , Friederike “Conceptualizing the Interaction of Buddhism and Daoism in the Tang Dynasty: Inner Cultivation and Outer Authority in the Daode Jing Commentaries of Cheng Xuanying and Li Rong” In: Authority Versus Authenticity. Special Edition. Religions. 2019: 10(1), 66;
- Clart, Philip:"East and West in Leipzig-A Preface to this Collection." NotaBene 44 (2019).
- Clart, Philip:“Competition, Entrepreneurship, and Network Formation among Taiwanese Spirit-Writing Cults.” In Jindai Huaren zongjiao huodong yu minjian wenhua: Song Guangyu jiaoshou jinian wenji 近代華人宗教活動與民間文化----宋光宇教授紀念文集, edited by Li Shi-wei 李世偉, 107–163. Taipei: Boyang, 2019.
- Clart, Philip:“Intertextual Relationships between Ming Period Dramas and Novels: Two Examples from the Han Xiangzi Narrative Complex.” In Di er jie zongjiao shijian yu wenxue chuangzuo yu Zhongguo zongjiao wenxue shi bianzhuan guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 第二屆宗教實踐與文學創作暨《中國宗教文學史》編撰國際學術研討會論文集, edited by Wu Guangzheng 吳光正 and Miaofan fashi 妙凡法師, vol. 3, 393–403. Kaohsiung: Foguang chubanshe, 2019.
- Clart, Philip together with Christoph Kleine: “Part VII: Religion and Religious Movements: Introduction.” In The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies, edited by Matthias Middell, 425–427. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2019.
- Kaske, Elisabeth: “The Pitfalls of Transnational Distinction: A Royal Exchange of Honors and Contested Sovereignty in Late Qing China,” in China and the World—the World and China—A transcultural Perspective, ed. by Joachim Gentz, Natascha Gentz, Barbara Mittler, Catherine Vance Yeh. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag, 2019, vol. 2, 137-169.
- Kaske, Elisabeth: “Taxation, Trust, and Government Debt: State-Elite Relations in Sichuan, 1850–1911“. Modern Chinavol. 45, no. 3, May 2019, 239–94.
- Krawczyk, Adrian: “Marxist Theories of Ideology in Contemporary China: The Pioneering Work of Yu Wujin“. Asian Studies 7.1, 153-172, 2019.
- Schatz, Merle: “¡NOSOTROS NO COMEMOS SUS COSAS!” Comida blanca e identidad en Mongolia Interior. ISTOR. Revista de Historia Internacional. 2019, 57–64.
- Philip Clart. “Eduard Erkes and German Scholarship on Chinese Religions in the First Half of the 20th Century.” Daojiao xuekan 道教学刊, no. 4 (2019): 189–215.
Pelzer, Thorben (review of): “Karl, Rebecca E. The Magic of Concepts. History and the Economic in Twentieth-century China,” Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, 2019.

Ming-Qing yilai shanshu congbian (chuji) 明清以來善書叢編 初輯.
Edited by Wang Chien-chuan 王見川, Philip Clart 柯若樸, Hou Chong 侯沖, and Fan Chunwu 范純武.
Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2018. (18 vols.)
ISBN 978-957-17-2293-1
- Clart, Philip: “The Mingxin baojian 明心寶鑑 (Precious Mirror for Enlightening the Mind) and Its Transmission in the West.” In Ming-Qing yilai shanshu congbian (chuji)明清以來善書叢編初輯. Edited with Wang Chien-chuan 王見川, Hou Chong 侯沖, and Fan Chunwu 范純武, vol. 1, 13–29. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 2018. (18 vols.)
- Clart, Philip: “Yīguàn Dào.” In Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements, edited by Lukas Pokorny & Franz Winter, 429–450. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2018.
Kaske, Elisabeth: “Austerity in Times of War: Government Finance in Early Nineteenth-century China,” Special Issue on War, Taxes and Finance in the Long Eighteenth Century,Financial History Review, vol. 25, no. 1, April 2018, 71–96.
Kaske, Elisabeth: “Sichuan as a Pivot: Provincial Politics and Gentry Power in Late Qing Railway Projects in Southwestern China,” in Southwest China in a Regional and Global Perspective (c. 1600 - 1911): Metals, Transport, Trade and Society, ed. by Ulrich Theobald and Jin Cao, Leiden: Brill, 2018, 379–423.
Clart, Philip: (book review of) Wei-Ping Lin, Materializing Magic Power: Chinese Popular Religion in Villages and Cities. Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series 97. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2016. History of Religions 58, no. 1 (2018): 89–91.
Pelzer, Thorben: (review of) “Maggie Clinton. Revolutionary Nativism. Fascism and Culture in China, 1925–1937, Durham: Duke University Press 2017, 268 p.,” Comparativ 28 (6), 2018: 117–119.