Professional career
- 07/2012 - 08/2015
- 04/2014 - 08/2021
- 07/2018 - 08/2021
- since 04/2022
- 10/2009 - 07/2012
- 10/2012 - 07/2014
- 01/2015 - 09/2018
“When you enter the city...”. Archaic and classical images and buildings in Athens
In this seminar, images and buildings of Athens from the archaic and classical periods will be discussed. The focus will be on archaeological finds and features from various areas of Athens (Agora, Kerameikos, Acropolis) across genres, thus linking topics of urbanism, architecture and sculpture.
Introduction to Roman-Mediterranean Archaeology
The exercise focusses on the material culture of the Roman Republic and the Imperium Romanum. In addition to political and geographical development, the focus is on settlement structures, necropolises, architectural forms and images. At the same time, aspects of historical topography and environment, social and political representation, economy, cult and religion are included.
In the mountains, on islands, in caves. Sanctuaries of ancient Greece
The seminar deals with sanctuaries from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period. Students deal with archaeological findings and finds from these sites and examine interpretations of these sites. The diachronic examination of different examples introduces students to basic object and material genres of Greek archaeology and expands their knowledge of building types and find materials of the Aegean region.
Preparation for the excursion to Northern Italy
Introduction to Classical Archaeology: Introduction to Greek Archaeology
From Coast to Coast - Settlements and Economies of the Italic Peninsula during the Late Republic and Early Imperial Periods
Artifacts of the Roman Republic and Early Imperial Period in Leipzig