Dr. Martin Clemens Winter

Dr. Martin Clemens Winter

Research Fellow

Didaktik der Geschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichtskultur
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room 4.201
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37084


Since January 2021, Martin Clemens Winter is Alfred Landecker Lecturer at the Historical Department of the Leipzig University. He is conducting research on "Corporate Culture, Forced Labour and Mass Murder at the HASAG armaments company from Leipzig".

Martin Clemens Winter studied History at the Leipzig University. His PhD Thesis about "Violence and Remembrance in Rural Areas: The German Population and the Death Marches" was awarded with the Stanislav Zámecník-Price of the Comité International de Dachau.

Besides Science, he was working in historical-political education, curating exhibitions and engagement for a living memory culture between research, politics, and memorial sites.

Martin Clemens Winter is funded by the Alfred Landecker Foundation in the Alfred Landecker Lecturer Program.

Professional career

  • since 01/2021
    Alfred Landecker Lecturer at the Historical Department at Leipzig University, Project: "Corporate Culture, Forced Labour and Mass Murder at the HASAG armaments company from Leipzig"
  • 04/2020 - 12/2020
    Post-Doc-Fellowship at the Fritz Bauer Institute, Frankfurt am Main (Topic: International Prosecution of Nazi Crimes at the HASAG armaments company from eipzig)
  • 05/2017 - 03/2020
    Project manager at City of Leipzig, Lord Mayor's Department, Protocol Division (Memorial Events and culture of remembrance)
  • 01/2017 - 04/2017
    Staff Member at the Leipzig Nazi Forced Labour Memorial (Digital Exhibition Levels)
  • 05/2016 - 11/2016
    Staff Member at the Leipzig Nazi Forced Labour Memorial (Curator of exhibition "In the Provisional: Nazi Forced Labour in Leipzig and at the HASAG Armaments Company")


  • 09/2001 - 01/2010
    Studies of History, Communication and Media Science, and Sociology at the Leipzig University
  • 04/2010 - 06/2016
    Preparing the Ph.D. thesis "Violence and Remembrance in Rural Areas: The German Population and the Death Marches" (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Alfons Kenkmann / Prof. Dr. Michael Wildt)
  • Corporate Culture, Forced Labour and Mass Murder at the HASAG Armaments Company from Leipzig
    Winter, Martin Clemens
    Duration: 01/2021 – 12/2025
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Fachdidaktik Geschichte
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more projects

  • Winter, M. C.
    Gewalt und Erinnerung im ländlichen Raum. Die deutsche Bevölkerung und die Todesmärsche
    Berlin: Metropol. 2018.
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  • Winter, M. C.
    Evacuating the Camps: The Last Collective Crime of Nazi Society
    Dapim. Studies on the Holocaust. 2015. 29 (3). pp. 138–153.
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  • Winter, M. C.
    Öffentliche Erinnerungen an den Luftkrieg in Nordhausen 1945-2005
    Marburg: Tectum. 2010.
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  • Winter, M. C.
    Die HASAG im Generalgouvernement: Ein firmeneigenes Lagersystem inmitten des Holocaust
    In: Friebel, A.; Ulbricht, J. (Eds.)
    Zwangsarbeit beim Rüstungskonzern HASAG. Der Werkstandort Leipzig im Nationalsozialismus und seine Nachgeschichte. Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich. 2023. pp. 27–46.
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  • Winter, M. C.
    Entgrenzte Gewalt zwischen Räumung und Befreiung. Die Todesmärsche als Gesellschaftsverbrechen
    In: Drecoll, A.; Wildt, M.; Buchmeier (Mitarbeit), K. (Eds.)
    Nationalsozialistische Konzentrationslager. Geschichte und Erinnerung. Berlin: Metropol. 2024. pp. 114–122.
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more publications

  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Stanislav Zámecník-Studienpreis
    Winter, Martin Clemens (Fachdidaktik Geschichte)
    awarded in 2018 by Comité International de Dachau.
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