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Dr. Alexander Sembdner

Research Fellow

Sächsische Landesgeschichte
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room 4.211
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37106
Fax: +49 341 97 - 37089


From 2004 to 2009 studies of Middle and Modern History and Sociology (Magister). Master's thesis entitled "Stadt und Universität Leipzig im späten Mittelalter" under Prof. Dr. Enno Bünz (grade 1.0; published in print in 2010). From 2010 to 2013 scholarship holder of the Volkswagen Foundation in the interdisciplinary research training group "Naumburg Kolleg". There working on PhD thesis entitled "Das Werden einer geistlichen Stadt im Schatten des Doms. Zur Rolle der geistlichen Institutionen im Gefüge der Bischofsstadt Naumburg bis ca. 1400" (Note: Summa cum laude; published in print in 2018). Since winter term 2013/14 research assistant at the Chair of Saxon and Comparative Regional History, Department of History, University of Leipzig.

Main areas of research:

- Divisions of power in the late medieval empire (Habilitation project)

- Urban history of the Middle Ages

- Church history of the Middle Ages (especially monasteries and parishes)

- University history of the late Middle Ages

Professional career

  • 01/2010 - 09/2013
    PhD scholarship holder of the Volkswagenstift in the "Naumburg Kolleg" Research Training Group
  • since 10/2013
    Research Assistant at the Chair of Saxon and Comparative Regional History
  • 01/2010 - 08/2016
    Doctorate at the University of Leipzig: "The development of a spiritual city in the shadow of the cathedral. On the role of the spiritual institutes in the structure of the bishopric city of Naumburg up to 1400" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Enno Bünz
  • since 01/2017
    Member of the editorial staff of the "Sächsisches Klosterbuch"
  • since 10/2018
    Habilitation project "Divisions of power in the late medieval empire and in the European context" with Prof. Dr. Enno Bünz, Chair of Saxon Regional History
  • 10/2018 - 09/2019
    Speaker of the academic staff at the Department of History
  • since 10/2019
    Member of the Study Commission of the History Department


  • 10/2004 - 09/2009
    Master's degree in the main subjects of Middle and Modern History / Sociology
  • Divisions of power in the late medieval empire (Habilitation project)
  • Urban and church history of the Middle Ages, with a focus on Central Germany and especially Naumburg a. d. Saale (PhD thesis)
  • Monasteries and parishes of the High and Late Middle Ages
  • University history of the late Middle Ages (Master's thesis)
  • Social and economic history of the late Middle Ages
  • Saxon and comparative regional history
  • Theory and history of theory

  • Sembdner, A.
    Das Werden einer geistlichen Stadt im Schatten des Doms. Zur Rolle der geistlichen Institutionen im Gefüge der Bischofsstadt Naumburg bis ca. 1400
    Regensburg: Pustet Verlag. 2018.
    show details
  • Sembdner, A.
    Stadt und Universität Leipzig im späten Mittelalter
    Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. 2010.
    show details
  • Sembdner, A.; Volkmar, C. (Eds.)
    Nahaufnahmen. Landesgeschichtliche Miniaturen für Enno Bünz zum 60. Geburtstag
    Institut für Sächsische Geschichte und Volkskunde
    Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. 2021.
    show details
  • Sembdner, A.
    Fehlendes Puzzlestück des Naumburger Westchors? Ein fragmentarisch überliefertes Kopialbuch der Naumburger Domkirche aus dem 13. Jahrhundert
    Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde. 2021. pp. 97–143.
    show details
  • Sembdner, A.
    Landes- und Herrschaftsteilungen im spätmittelalterlichen Reich. Bedeutungen, Funktionen und Implikationen eines verfassungsgeschichtlichen Phänomens
    Mitteilungen der Residenzen-Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge: Stadt und Hof. 2020. pp. 62–73.
    show details

more publications

  • Introductory courses into the auxiliary sciences of history
  • Research-based seminars on topics of Saxon and comparative regional history of the high and late Middle Ages

  • Dynasty and sovereignty in the late Middle Ages using the example of Saxony, Bavaria and Brandenburg

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2020/21

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, winter 2020/21

  • Nobility and division in the Late Middle Ages - Motives, strategies and conflicts using the example of Saxony and Bavaria

    Bachelor seminar, summer 2020

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, summer 2020

  • Diplomatics as an auxiliary science using the example of the monastery of Altzelle, Saxony

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2019/20 (facultative course "auxiliary sciences of history")

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, winter 2019/20

  • Reforms before the Reformation - Late medieval observance and reform movements in Central German monasteries

    Bachelor seminar, summer 2019

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, summer 2019

  • The parish in the late Middle Ages - In the middle of life and centre of life

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2018/19

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, winter 2018/19

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, summer 2018 (two courses!)

  • "Idleness is the enemy of the soul" - role, function and significance of Central German Cistercian monasteries in the late Middle Ages

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2017/18

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, winter 2017/18

  • Lifeworlds of the Middle Ages reflected in their sources - The late medieval city of Central Germany

    Bachelor seminar, summer 2017

  • Basic Module II, Exercise A: Introduction into the auxiliary sciences of history

    Preliminary introductory course, summer 2017

  • City and church in medieval Saxony and Central Germany

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2016/17

  • The Local Reformation - Church visitations in the Erzgebirge

    Bachelor seminar, summer 2016

  • Late medieval economic and administrative sources from Central Germany

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2015/16

  • Egerland, Vogtland, Pleißenland - Monarchy and imperial rule in Central Germany in the high and late Middle Ages

    Bachelor seminar, summer 2015

  • The integration of Saxony into the Carolingian Empire and its successors

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2014/15

  • Urban - landscape - urban landscape. Late medieval communities in Central Germany by comparison

    Bachelor seminar, summer 2014

  • Town and church in the Middle Ages using the example of Naumburg a. d. Saale

    Bachelor seminar, winter 2013/14