
Dorothea Schmidt is doing her PhD under Dr. Hatem Elliesie on the subject of "Constructing the "Muslim Other" in the German Democratic Republic". She studied Political Science, as well as Communication, Media und Religious Studies at the Universities of Potsdam, Greifswald, Rostock and Leipzig. She completed her Master's degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Leipzig.

Professional career

  • 10/2022 - 09/2023
    Pre-Doc Award of the University of Leipzig (in tandem with Dr. Hatem Elliesie & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philip Bockholt)
  • 10/2021 - 09/2022
    Parentel Leave
  • since 10/2023
    Research assistant in the Department of Islamic Law at the Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig unter the direction of Dr. Hatem Elliesie
  • 10/2021 - 09/2022
    Parentel Leave
  • 04/2021 - 09/2021
    Research assistant at Oriental Institut of the University of Leipzig at the chair for Culture and History of MENA-region under the direction of Prof. Dr. Verena Klemm
  • 03/2020 - 12/2020
    Teaching assistent for the StiL project at the Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig
  • 10/2019 - 12/2019
    Research assistant in the Department of History and Culture at the Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig unter the direction of Dr. Philip Bockholt
  • 09/2019 - 02/2020
    Buddy and teaching assistent for students with German as a foreign or second language at the Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig
  • 09/2019 - 09/2021
    Research assistant at the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig under the direction of Prof. Dr. Verena Klemm and Dr. Daniel Kinitz
  • 11/2018 - 08/2019
    Research assistant in the Department of History and Culture at the Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig under the direction of Prof. Dr. Verena Klemm
  • 10/2018 - 02/2019
    Teaching Assistant for the seminar “Arabic III” at the Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig
  • 05/2018 - 08/2019
    Research assistant at the Centre for School and Education Research at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg within the framework of the DFG project "The Pedagogy of the 'Gülen Movement'" under the direction of PD Dr. Thomas Geier
  • 08/2015 - 01/2016
    German as a foreign language lecturer at the adult education centre of the Hanseatic city of Rostock
  • 06/2015 - 03/2016
    Student assistant at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Ideas at the University of Rostock under the direction of Prof. Dr. Yves Bizeul


  • since 10/2023
    Phd-project "Cornstructing the 'Muslim Other' in the German Democratic Republic" (funded by the state graduate scholarship)
  • 10/2019 - 01/2023
    M.A. Studies of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Leipzig
  • 10/2016 - 04/2019
    B.A. in Religious Studies with elective subject Arabic Studies, University of Leipzig
  • 10/2010 - 09/2012
    B.A. Studies in Religious Studies & Jewish Studies, University of Potsdam
  • 04/2014 - 09/2016
    B.A. in Political Science, Communication and Media Studies, University of Rostock
  • 10/2012 - 03/2014
    B.A. Studies in political and communication sciences, University of Greifswald


  • gem. mit Thomas Geier und Magnus Frank: Die ‚gute Schule‘ im Schulwahldiskurs von Eltern an einer hizmet-inspirierten Schule, in: Clemens, I./ Hornberg, S./Rieckmann, M. (Hgg.): Bildung und Erziehung im Kontext globaler Transformationen, Opladen 2019, S. 205-222.
  • gem. mit Thomas Geier und Magnus Frank: "Das ist eine deutsche Schule" - Migrationsgesellschaftliche Schulprofilierung zwischen Gleichheitsansprüchen und Differenzmarkierungen, in: Keßler, C./Nonta, S. (Hgg.): (Neue) Formen der Differenzierung – Schul- und Klassenprofilierung im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe und sozialer Ungleichheit, Münster 2020, S. 113-140.
  • gem. mit Thomas Geier, Magnus Frank und Laura Schalück: Getting to Know Islam? – Diversitätskategorien in der Produktion ethnographischen Wissens, in: Leontiy, H./ Schulz, M. (Hgg.): Ethnographie und Diversität. Wissensproduktion an den Grenzen und die Grenzen der Wissensproduktion, Wiesbaden 2020, S. 287-307.
  • gem. mit Emanuel Schröder: Muslimisches Leben als Ausnahme: Über alltägliche Diskriminierungserfahrungen von muslimisch-gelesenen Menschen in Sachsen-Anhalt, in: Bioly, Tom/Stenske, Leonie (Hgg.): Muslimisches Leben in Ostdeutschland, i.E.

  • How to research about 'Islam': A Methods Workshop on Qualitative Social Research and Discourse Analysis

    The seminar will critically examine the triad of research, researchers and researched using a postcolonial perspective. The focus is on the question of which methods of qualitative social research and discourse analysis we can use to research 'Islam' in times of the "crisis of representation" (Hall). On the basis of practical exercises and/or own questions for scientific work, selected survey and evaluation methods will be presented.