Welcome to your studies! We would like to help you find your way around university life. Here you will find information about the structure of the degree programme, everyday study life and module management. Have fun and good luck!
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African Studies - NEWSLETTER
The Institute of African Studies at Leipzig University has a weekly newsletter that announces new events, publications and projects.
- To subscribe click here.
Summer Semester 2025
Winter Semester 2024/25
Documents Bachelor
- Studienordnung
- Prüfungsordnung
- Studienverlaufsplan & Modulbeschreibungen
- Modulanmeldung
- Anmeldung und Zulassung zu Prüfungen
Bachelor thesis
Summer Semester 2025
Winter Semester 2024/25
Documents Master
- Studienordnung
- Prüfungsordnung
- Modulbeschreibungen
- Studienverlaufsplan
- Strukturvergleich Neufassung MA Afrikastudien 2019
- Studienaufbau
- Anmeldung und Zulassung zu Prüfungen
- Merkblatt Auslandsaufenthaltmodul
Master thesis
New regulation on proof of inability to take examinations from 01.01.2025
From January 1, 2025, a medical certificate confirming the inability to take examinations due to illness will be required in accordance with Section 36 (10) of the Saxon Higher Education Act. A certificate of incapacity for work (“yellow slip”) is not sufficient.
This means that: From January 1, 2025, GKR students may no longer submit sickness certificates (yellow slips) as proof of incapacity for examinations, but must have the attached form issued by a doctor (Annex 1). As before, the form must be submitted directly to the responsible examination manager. Costs that may arise from issuing the form will not be covered by UL.
The enclosed information for students is also published on the website of the examination management of the GKR (Annex 2).