At the Institute of African Studies we offer supervision for doctoral students as well as academic mentorships for postdocs. Supervision and mentorships take place on an individual basis and within a structured programme at the Graduate School Global and Area Studies, part of the Research Academy Leipzig. Projects for academic qualifications are embedded in existing research projects or oriented towards our research foci. We discuss research projects in regular colloquia and among colleagues.
Our PhDs and their research projects
- Enrico Behne
Organizational Learning at the African Union
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Wyatt Constantine
The Political Economy of British Somaliland
Supervisor: Dmitri van den Bersselaar - Kerem Duymus
The political Economy and Governance in the Sokoto Caliphate
Supervisor: Dmitri van den Bersselaar - Temitope Faloye
Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Soft Skills Exhibition as Predictors of Female University Graduate Employability in South-West, Nigeria
Supervisor: Dmitri van den Bersselaar mit Adebola Ekanola, University of Ibadan, Nigeria - Mary-Anne Iwara
Competition, Social Protection, and Global Conditions: The National Social Investment Programmes (NSIPs) in Nigeria
Supervisor: Dmitri van den Bersselaar - Ali Kaya
The Africa Policy of Türkiye
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Afua A. Lamptey
The Role of ECCAS and IGAD in Global Politics
Supervisor: Jens Herpolsheimer - Junwen Lin
How Tea Took Root in Kenya During the Twenties Century as Both a Cash Crop and a Non-Alcoholic Beverage
Supervisor: Dmitri van den Bersselaar - Reinet Loubser
Identity Politics in South Africa: Predicators and Outcomes
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Ulrike Luttenberger
Bureaucratic Practices in Senegalese Popular Music
Supervisor: Adam Jones - Stuart S. Mbanyele
The Role of EAC and SADC in Global Politics
Supervisor: Jens Herpolsheimer - Michelle Ndiaye Ntab
The African Union at 50: Beyond the Purpose of Unity; the Minimalist and Maximalist Visions of Africa's Integration Agenda
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Gudeta Negera
Ethio-Eritrean Rapprochement, 2018–2022
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Frank D. Owusu
Mediation as a Response to Complexity: Assessing the Role of the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet as Mediator in the Democratization Process in Tunisia
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Matthias Schmidtmeier
Deutschland und Äthiopien: Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Vincent Schober
Geographies of Conflict
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Abdulkadir Taye
Early Warning Systems: The African Union and the Regional Economic Communities
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Janneke Tiegna
Bürgerwehren in Burkina Faso: Jäger und Selbstverteidigungsgruppen in den westlichen Landesteilen
Supervisor: Katja Werthmann - Michaela Unterholzner
Transkulturelle Begegnungen in Fotografien der Herrnhuter and Leipziger Mission aus Ostafrika, 1891–1940
Supervisor: Adam Jones - Camilla Vern
African Union Mediation Organs: The Panel of the Wise
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Skollan Elisabeth Warnck
Intervention Data: ‘Mapping’ Conflict Intervention Practices of the African Union and ECOWAS
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Nora Witt
The Zimbabwean Non–GPA Opposition
Supervisor: Ulf Engel - Balemlay Yitawok
The Birth of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Outbreaks and Continental Emergency Response
Supervisor: Ulf Engel