In the future concept of the faculty, the transfer into society and the exchange with companies, organizations and research institutions are an important part of the faculty's future concept. For example, the faculty makes the know-how of its employees available for consulting and further education.

enlarge the image: Mann steht vor weißer Wand mit bunten Postits und wird von weiterem Mann beobachtet.
Foto: Bonneval Sebastien / Unsplash


The faculty is characterized in the area of continuing education and consulting by a particularly high number of requests for scientific expertise from the media, politics, culture and society. As in Service Learning, the requests and offers arise mainly from the individual commitment of individual teachers and their personal contacts with civil society. Concrete measures are currently being prepared to strengthen but also to bundle academic continuing education and advisory services at the GKR faculty. Among other things, the visibility of transfer activities is to be increased and a contact point for interested parties and potential cooperation partners is to be created.

Since the re-establishment of the faculty in 1994, over 30 continuing education programs have been placed. Examples of these are the offers for teachers, such as the HISTOthek as an annual BarCamp/continuing education format or the workshops on Islam at school.

In addition, various other target groups have also been tapped within the framework of further training, such as

  • In-house training 2017 at the Bobritzsch training center on the subject of "Dealing with Muslim and Arab prisoners
  • Further training for employees of rural districts in Central Germany with the topic "Muslims in Rural Areas: How can administration master new tasks well?" in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung
  • Lecture series on DDR art for a broader public
  • Advanced training courses of the TAST (Transcultural Academy for Social Theatre Education) at the CCT (Centre of Competence for Theatre) impart transcultural competences through theater work (target groups, etc.): Teachers, drama and culture educators, social workers, students of teaching professions as well as artistic and social studies)

On behalf of non-university institutions, more than 30 peer review activities by scientists and 45 scientific consulting and coaching projects were conducted and evaluated.

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