Shi-Yu Su

Shi-Yu Su

Research Fellow

Geschichte und Kultur Chinas
Schillerstraße 6, Room S 319
04109 Leipzig

Fax: +49 341 97 - 37159


Shi-Yu Su has joined Leipzig University as PhD student and Research fellow in 2023, after studying and working in National Chengchi University, Academia Sinica, Community Empowerment Association of Taiwanese Cities & Countries and Daxi Wood Arts Museum. As a sinologist/ethnologist of contemporary Taiwanese religion, Su is interested in localization and globalization of religious sects in Taiwan. As a historian/sociologist of Sinophone area in 20th century, Su focuses on the academic interaction between East Asia and the West in addition to political development in the framework of comparative studies. After accumulating several working experiences in the practical field and the local society, instead of locking his mind in ivory towers, he pushes himself to challenge and re-organize the boundaries of Humanities and Social science as well as academy and non-academy. Shi-Yu would like to being a public intellectual in his career and life. 

Professional career

  • since 10/2023
    Research fellow in University Leipzig
  • 01/2020 - 06/2022
    Research assistant in Academia Sinica
  • 03/2017 - 12/2019
    Researcher. curator and educator in Community Empowerment Association of Taiwanese Cities & Countries and Daxi Wood Arts Museum
  • 03/2016 - 02/2017
    Military Service in Academia Historica (Archives collection and data protection )


  • since 06/2023
    Doctoral Student in University Leipzig
  • 09/2007 - 02/2016
    Bachelor and Master of Liberal Arts ( Major: History and Taiwan study; Minor : Pedagogy; Vocational Certification: Teaching certification in secondary education ) in National Chengchi University

Shi-Yu Su’ s main research interests are religious anthropology and sociology in rural and urban communities in Taiwan, history of international sinology and social science in 20th century, as well as comparative political history and sociology of Taiwan and East Germany.     


  • Su, S.-Y.
    The Study of Modern Chinese History under Chinese Nationalism: focus on Kuo Ting- yee, Wang Yu-chun, Lee Yu-shu, and Huang Chia-mo 中國民族主義思潮下的近代史研究:郭廷以、王聿均黃嘉謨、李毓澍為例
    Collectanea of History NCCU 政大史粹 . 2017. pp. 121–174.
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  • Su, S.-Y.
    Official Nation Narration and the Study of Modern Chinese History and Chinese Ethnology under Chinese Nationalism: a focus on Kuo Ting-Yee and Ling Chun-Sheng” 〈官方國族敘事與中國民族主義思潮下的「中國近代史」、「中國民族學」研究:以郭廷以、凌純聲為中心〉(130,000words)(It will be re-written as a monograph )
    MA thesis in National Chengchi University. 2015.
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  • Su, S.-Y.
    《臺中市烏日區溪尾里農村人類生態志》( The goverment report/ draft was finished in 2022, it will be re-published as a academic monograph in 2025)
    Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica. Taipei. 2022.
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  • Su, S.-Y.
    從大學雜誌看1970年代知識分子的中西文化觀 Intellectual Concepts of Western and Chinese Culture in 1970 in University Magazine
    In: (ed.), N. L. (Ed.)
    大學之道 : 知識分子與臺灣民主化 Daxue zhidao: zhishifenzi yu Taiwan minzhuhua. Taipei: Library of National Chengchi University. 2014.
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  • Su, S.-Y.; Shi-Yu Su (record), Y.-W. K. L.-Y. Z. a. S.-Y. S. (.
    住在「兩溪流域」:林萬來先生訪問紀錄(臺中烏日); 八七水災的見證者:柯飛熊先生訪問紀錄(臺中烏日); 烏溪河畔的擺渡人:林權榮先生訪問紀錄(臺中烏日); 從溪尾寮到維新庄的徙居人生:塗碧山先生訪問紀錄(臺中烏日) A Farmer Living in the Drainage Basin of Two Rivers; A Witness of The Flooding of August 7th; A Ferryman Working on the Side of Tatu River; A Flood’s Immigration and his Journey from Plain to Terrace
    In: Ku(ed.), Y.-w. (Ed.)
    田庄人的故事(三)臺灣農村社會文化調查計畫口述歷史專輯 Farmers’ Stories (3): Oral Histories of Rural Society and Culture in Taiwan. Taipei: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica; Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. 2021. pp. 55–158.
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Shi-Yu Su has several teaching experiences both in the institutes of formal education (elementary schools, senior high schools and universities) and informal education (community universities, eco-museums and NGOs). He teaches modern history in Sinophone area, oral history and ethnography at Minnan and Hakka communities, community empowerment and cultural heritage, as well as academic writing courses in Chinese.