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We are currently redesigning the webpage of the Anthropology-department. We would like to invite our students to visually contribute to this process and doing so give room to your perspectives. For the first stage, we need pictures.

So, we started to screen our personal repositories for anthropologically-sensitive / anthropology-related pictures and pictures “from the field.”  We want to stick to the idea of using pictures as an illustration while at the same time presenting snapshots into the diverse projects and interests of our department. The pictures might be used on our website, X-Account as well as Instagram-Page. Thus, we are asking you whether you have pictures in your databases that:

You would allow us to use for a longer period of time (of course, you will always be mentioned as the authors of the photos, and you can always step back from your usage agreement). It is also possible, to give us permission to use your pictures only on one of the mentioned platforms.

Fulfill the following criteria: 

  1. if they show people, these people should be shown “in action” – while doing something – and should not show faces
    (to not violate anybody’s privacy, unless they show yourself and you agree to be shown)
  2. high quality, high resolution
    (No blurry pictures etc., usually pictures taken with your mobile phone should meet the criteria)
  3. no clichés, no stereotypes


We do not need a mass of photos, but maybe there is one snapshot that comes to your mind. It would also be an opportunity to present your research. You may just send pictures to this E-mail-address. We look forward to receiving your photos and will get back to you for any further information!