In our Summer School you will learn to speak in Sanskrit about topics of daily life using classical and modern vocabulary. This changes the way you look at the language, which is often thought of as just a written, "dead" language. This enables and encourages you to actively use Sanskrit in everyday conversation, and this in turn contributes to a better understanding of written Sanskrit. Our course is led by Dr. Sadananda Das, an experienced Sanskrit teacher who has been offering highly sought-after courses in spoken Sanskrit around the world for many years.

enlarge the image: Indian fashion evening, Leipzig, 2017, Foto: Sadananda Das
Indian fashion evening, Leipzig, 2017, Foto: Sadananda Das


August 1 - 25, 2023

Registration Deadline:

May 31, 2023


Organization through:

Spracheninstitut an der Universität Leipzig e.V.
Ritterstr. 12, D-04109 Leipzig
Tel.: +49(0)341-9730281


Leipzig University
Institute for South and Central Asian Studies
Schillerstr. 6
04109 Leipzig

learn more and register


Dr. Sadananda Das

Dr. Sadananda Das

Lecturer (LfbA)

Schillerstraße 6, Room 104
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37126

Office hours
Montag 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail.

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