Whether for seminar preparation, term papers or theses, here you will find subject-specific sources for your research.

enlarge the image: Illustrated book with Buddhist art on a table in the entrance area next to the lettering Bibliothek Orientwissenschaften, 2020, Photo: Franz Xaver Erhard
Library of Oriental Studies, Leipzig University Library, 2020, Photo: Franz Xaver Erhard

The holdings in the field of South and Central Asian Studies with currently about 25,000 titles are accessible as reference holdings in the Oriental Studies Branch of the University Library.

The subject specialist of the university library is available for research inquiries, the introduction to subject-relevant databases and the literature management system Citavi.

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M.A., M.A. (LIS) Katharina Malkawi

Area Head

Bibliotheca Albertina
Beethovenstraße 6
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30800

Office hours
Bitte melden Sie sich für einen Beratungstermin per E-Mail an.

Libraries and Research Networks

enlarge the image: Bücher aus dem Nachlass Bernhard Kölver, Foto: A. Buschner
Nachlass Bernhard Kölver, Foto: A. Buschner

The Institute has about 3,800 titles from the estate of Professor Bernhard Kölver. The bequests are stored in separate rooms of the institute and can be used on request.


+49 341 97371-30 or
+49 341 97371-20

enlarge the image: Back of an advertising poster, Calcutta, India, 2009, Photo: Ira Sarma
Back of an advertising poster, Calcutta, India, 2009, Photo: Ira Sarma

The Institute has a collection of 204 DVDs with Hindi films from a donation, which can be borrowed from the secretary's office for teaching and study purposes.

To borrow them, please contact the secretary's office or the institute's teaching staff.

List of Hindi-Movies
PDF 177 KB

enlarge the image: openwork window with ornate decorations at Humayun's tomb, Delhi, India, 2013, photo: Ira Sarma
Window, Humayun Tomb, Delhi, India, 2013, Photo: Ira Sarma

Specialized Information Service Asia (FID ASIEN)

Heidelberg University Library (South Asia) and Berlin State Library (East and Southeast Asia)
Webis address:  https://wikis.sub.uni-hamburg.de/webis/index.php/Asien
Online services website: https://crossasia.org/de/

Specialized Information Service Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies (FID Middle East)

University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt
Webis address: https://wikis.sub.uni-hamburg.de/webis/index.php/Nahost-,_Nordafrika-_und_Islamstudien
Online services website: https://www.menalib.de/

enlarge the image: Logo of the Oral History of Tibetan Studies project, source: IATS
OHTS logo, source: IATS

The project 'Oral History of Tibetan Studies' collects the oral memories of those who contributed to the establishment of Tibetology and Himalayan Studies as a recognized and independent academic field of study. In our interviews, we explore two questions: the development of the discipline itself and the diverse life stories of the individuals involved. We also view the material as an archive of valuable historical information that would not otherwise have been recorded.

to project

enlarge the image: Hand writing on a computer keyboard, 2017, Photo: Dr. Katarina Werneburg
Subject-related link collection, 2017, Photo: Dr. Katarina Werneburg

Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung (IZSAF)

The Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung (IZSAF)  is an electronic, peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform primarily for junior scholars whose research is related to South Asia to publish their research findings or present planned research projects in German and English. IZSAF is open to new formats and also publishes photo essays to present topics of South Asia research in a visual way.

This journal is published twice a year, in October and April, and is freely accessible online: ISZAF

Are you interested in publishing in IZSAF? Then please send a short abstract of your paper to our contact address: izsaf(at)sai.uni-heidelberg.de

Jakata Stories Database

Jātaka Stories is a free online searchable database of Jātakas in Indian texts and Indian art.

South Asia Chronicle (Humboldt University Berlin)

Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institute for Asian and African Studies: Südasienchronik

South Asia Virtual Library

SAVIFA  Virtual Library South Asia of the University of Heidelberg


FabiO : Directory for subject bibliographies and online databases of the BSZ (Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg) Indology

Idology List

INDOLOGY LIST: Networking and discussion forum for Classical Indology


International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies ICABS: Bibliographic Resources for Buddhist Studies


University of Halle-Wittenberg: South Asia Research Documentation Services 3 SARDS 3


Readex: South Asian Newspapers, 1864-1922 - a global newspaper archive for South Asian newspapers


For more than 20 years, The Asian Classics Input Project (ACIP) has been researching, cataloging, digitizing, and disseminating valuable collections of ancient Tibetan and Sanskrit literature.

Central Eurasian Studies Worldwide

Central Eurasian Studies Worldwide - Sources for the Study of Central Asia and the Caucasus, Harvard University

Deutsche Bhutan Himalaya Gesellschaft e. V.

Deutsche Bhutan Himalaya Gesellschaft e.V.

Karma Dgon Tibetan Bibliography Database

Karma Dgon Tibetan Bibliography Database Erwan Temple, Tibetan Bibliographic Database

International Institute for Buddhist Studies GmbH

International Institute for Buddhist Studies GmbH

Center for Research on Tibet

The Center for Research on Tibet der Case Western University: includes all articles by Melvyn C. Goldstein as pdf-documents

Infosystem Mongolei

Free University of Berlin: Infosystem Mongolia

Linklist Mongolia and Central Asia

Linklist Mongolia and Central Asia (compiled by Dr. Klaus Koppe, Leipzig University)

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