The original collection comprises around 10,000 objects, mainly of ancient small-scale and utility art. One focus of the collection is on Greek ceramics.
With its wide range of monumental genres, including terracotta and bronze figures, Greek and Roman marble sculptures, clay lamps and glassware, the Museum of Antiquities provides a representative overview of the various art genres, styles and periods of ancient culture from around 2000 BC to around 500/600 AD. Its prehistoric precursors and their relationships with neighbouring cultures are also covered by the collection objects. The finds from the Greek settlement area on the northern Black Sea coast, which are extremely rare in European collections, are a speciality.
You can explore a representative part of our original collection in the Antikenmuseum am Nikolaikirchhof.
As is typical in academic art museums, the Leipzig Museum of Antiquities contains not only very familiar objects, but also problematic ones whose interpretation is disputed. In many cases, the existing genres are not represented by almost completely preserved showpieces, but only by individual fragments or fragment complexes.